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We deliver a yearly Creativity and Wellbeing Festival that went from a small London festival to national in 2019 and saw over 50,000 attendees taking part in around 600 events. The week is held in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

In 2021 the festival was held entirely online. Our headline event included speakers from organisations such as GOSH, Performing Medicine and CH&WA, and explored the theme of Care, as well as events on social prescribing and the on-going challenges and opportunities of digital/hybrid nature of delivering arts and health based activities in the pandemic. The theme for Creativity and Wellbeing week 2022, was ‘Get Creative, Get Outdoors’. The festival focussed on a mix of events that took place both in-person and online, to ensure that everyone can access a range of creative health workshops, talks, lectures and seminars.

The overarching provocation for C&WW ’23 was ‘What is the role of creativity in a health crisis?’, a provocation that was urgent and necessary to consider for all of us who have a stake in supporting people’s health and wellbeing, inside and outside the clinic.

With 13 curated headline events for C&WW ’23, produced in collaboration with partners such as the National Centre for Creative Health, WHO Collaborating Centre for Arts and Health, NHS Greater Manchester, Queer Circle and Arts and Health Hub, events responded to some of the tipping points the sector has been caught up in, such as how to spread creative health city region strategies across the UK and how to translate evidence coming from academia and the VCSE sector surrounding best practice in CH into recommendations for policymakers.

LAH hosted an in-person Sandpit Networking session at City Hall which was attended by 16 freelancers and health professionals, and then an online networking session in collaboration with Seiwa Cunningham and Arts 4 Dementia, to explore the role of creativity in dementia care. Read our evaluation from 2023.

Creativity and Wellbeing 19th – 25th May 2025

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