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Do you have a unique or diverse perspective on creative health? We are looking for 500-1000 words that explore any of these topics:

  • Health Systems: this could include working within the newly formed ICS structures, primary care and creative health, working in hospital settings, working with health researchers;
  • AI and Creative Health: how might AI affect artists working at the intersections of arts and health?
  • Cultural Social Prescribing: are you a SP or LW who has had good outcomes prescribing people to cultural activity? Are you struggling to get your cultural activity onto a SP roster?
  • Lived Experience: how does your lived experience inform your arts practice and how can we make people aware of sensitivities around Lived Experience, culture and health?

Simply email your idea for an article to
You might include some references, sample copy or images that you have permission to share that you might want to include.

We will pay £100 for any article commissioned.

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