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Queering Creative Health

A new community-informed evaluation of QueerCircle’s Health & Wellbeing programme, and an accompanying ‘Queer Creative Health’ zine by artist MJ Parker.

QUEERCIRCLE  worked with researchers at University College London to evaluate their first six months of health and wellbeing programme. The results report explore how creative health projects work when undertaken within specific LGBTQ+ contexts and communities and reveals a wealth of answers to the question ‘What does (Queer) health and wellbeing mean to you?’

It goes on to make the case for taking a community-informed approach to health, one that can counter unhelpful assumptions about health and how it can be measured.

Reflections amongst QUEERCIRCLE’s artists and participants were captured by zine-maker MJ Barker, whose drawings break down the divide between academic and community forms of knowledge.


Read the Report. 


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