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Wayne and ENO Breathe

ENO Breathe is an online programme developed in partnership with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust that has been specifically developed for people recovering from COVID-19, who are still suffering from breathlessness and its associated anxiety.

Bringing together medical and musical expertise, the programme focuses on breathing retraining through singing; however, no experience or interest in singing is required to take part in ENO Breathe. The programme works in partnership with specialist long COVID-19 clinics across London and England. Patients can be referred to ENO Breathe by their GP, link worker or other healthcare professionals after being medically assessed by a specialist long COVID-19 clinic.

The programme has specific medical criteria for referrals in order to ensure safety. Participants engage in a free, six-week programme, working with an ENO vocal specialist. The workshops provide activities designed to support with breathing control and wellbeing, providing tools for the self-management of breath and anxiety. Digital resources support the online sessions (delivered in person on Zoom), by providing videos and downloadable playlists designed to reinforce the in-person learning. Once the programme has finished participants also have the chance to continue with fortnightly drop-in sessions online, keeping them connected in their recovery.

One participant who benefitted from the programme was a man called Wayne. Watch his story:

Or listen to him talk about culture on prescription here.

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