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Anchor Organisations Survey – VSCE sector colleagues

Anchor Organisations Survey – VSCE sector colleagues

As part of Social Finance’s work to create a Personalised Care Fund, Macmillan as the investor are really keen to get the thoughts of the VCSE sector on what they need from a big investor, such as them, to help develop and deliver innovation and work better with health and social care through being an Anchor Organisation.

A survey has been created and shared on behalf of social finance to understand thoughts on Anchor Organisation, take part in the survey here:

What are  ‘Anchor Organisations’?

The Health Foundation describes anchor institutions as large organisations whose long-term sustainability is tied to the wellbeing of the populations they serve. These organisations are ‘rooted in place’ and have significant assets and resources which can be used to influence the health and wellbeing of their local community. By strategically and intentionally managing their resources and operations, anchor institutions can help address local social, economic and environmental priorities in order to reduce health inequalities.
Examples of anchor institutions include:

  • NHS Trusts
  • local authorities
  • universities
  • VCSEs

Some of the ways organisations can deliver their role as an anchor institution include:

  • Widening access to quality work: Being a good inclusive employer, paying people the real living wage and creating opportunities for local communities to develop skills and access jobs in health and care especially those experiencing inequalities.
  • Purchasing for social benefit: Purchasing supplies and services from organisations that embed social value to make positive environmental, social and economic impacts
  • Using buildings and spaces to support communities: Widening access to community spaces, working with partners to support high-quality, affordable housing and supporting the local economy and regeneration.
  • Reducing our environmental impact: Taking action to reduce carbon emissions and consumption, reduce waste and protect and enhance the natural environment.
  • Working closely with communities and local partners: Collaborating with communities to help address local priorities, build on their energy and skills; and work with other anchors and partners to increase and scale impact.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your insights are valuable in understanding the perceptions and expectations of voluntary organisations regarding anchor organisations. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.

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