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Patient Voices for Social Prescribing

A new London-based patient voices programme for people with lived experience of social prescribing.

Social prescribing has huge impacts on patients’ lives, through providing  access to support for wider issues or concerns impacting their health and wellbeing, that isn’t available through traditional healthcare.

Patients are rarely given the opportunity to tell their story around this impact. First- hand patient stories are powerful messages, which can help to influence decision making and shape how services are delivered in the future. This new programme provides a safe space, support and a platform for individuals with lived experience of social prescribing who want to share their experiences .

Through developing skills in storytelling, communication and confidence-building, the programme aims to:

      • Empower and amplify patient voices in social prescribing, providing a platform to have their voices heard
      • Support people with lived experience of social prescribing, identifying opportunities to share experiences and advocate for the impact of social prescribing
      • Demonstrate the extensive impacts of social prescribing across a range of health & social care settings
      • Enable patients to be involved in service design, to help improve services, leading to better outcomes, access and experience.

TPHC are committed to coproduction. We hope the programme will demonstrate the impact of effective coproduction using lived experience to promote, support and influence services.

The programme has been coproduced with various groups including NHS and Mental Health Peer Leaders, Lived Experience Practitioners, Hospital Trust Patient Voices groups, Social Prescribing Managers and Link Workers across London.

Guidance for applicants and how to apply 

Guidance for Social Prescribing services 


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