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Anne Marie Rafferty is Professor of Nursing Policy, and former Dean of the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care at King’s College London.

She is a historian, health workforce and policy researcher, graduated from Edinburgh University in Nursing Studies, MPhil (Surgery) Nottingham University; first nurse to gain a doctorate (DPhil Modern History) from Oxford University.

She was seconded to the Department of Health to work with Lord Ara Darzi on the Next Stage Review of the NHS and awarded a CBE for services to healthcare in 2008. She served on the Prime Minister’s Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery 2009-10 and has been recipient of various awards; Nursing Times Leadership Award in 2014 and Health Services Journal Top 100 Clinical Leaders Award in 2015 and was inducted onto the Sigma Theta Tau International Hall of Fame in 2016.

She holds fellowships from the Royal College of Nursing, American Academy of Nursing. She co-lead a Student Commission on the Future of the NHS supported by NHS England and was a member of the Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care in Wales which reported in 2018.

She was elected President of the Royal College of Nursing from 2019-21.


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