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Dr Zoe Zontou is an Associate Professor in Drama and Theatre Studies at Liverpool Hope University. She has over 15 years of experience in applied theatre research and practice working in the field of applied theatre with people in recovery from substance misuse. Her research covers a wide range of topics, including autobiography in performance, addiction studies and cultural theory, which are examined through their relationship with applied theatre.  Through practice-based projects with stakeholders and publications, her research has contributed to establishing recovery arts as a prominent field of research

Current publications include: the edited volume Addiction and Performance (2014) which she co-authored with James Reynolds, “Upon Awakening: Addiction Performance and Aesthetics of Authenticity”, in O’Grady, ed. (2017), ‘Dark Night Ends’: The Ethics of Vulnerability in Applied Theatre, In Sadeghi-Yekta, K. and Prendergast, M., eds. Applied Theatre: Ethics (2021)

She is currently working on a monograph entitled  Performing Addiction Cultures: Politics, Ethics, Aesthetics  (forthcoming, Routledge). 

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